I have many dreams that I want to pursue in my life. Sometimes, I think that there are so many dreams but I don't have enough time here on earth. Is that true? I am almost 30. I want to have children some day. Sometimes I think, wow maybe God doesn't want my purpose to involve having children, but then again he knows how I feel, think, act when children are around. I have the "motherly feeling-where you see a baby and are like aw, I want one." Kind of like, when you see a puppy or a kitten.
I want to get married. To the man of my dreams. I sleep next to him every night. That is another one of my dreams. He is my rock if you will. I would like that before anything happens to my parents. My dream is to have my father walk my down the aisle....His back isn't in good shape, so I pray that he never has to go into a wheel chair.
So these are just a few of my dreams...more to come at a later date.
Stay classy--
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